Juneau Office: (907) 780-4004

Cowlitz Valley Road Repairs

Under our IDIQ with WFLHD, proHNS provided a Project Engineer for Phase II of this project that is repairing roadway sites damaged during a large storm event in 2016.  The proHNS Project Engineer oversaw all aspects of construction to ensure the contractor executed their contractually required tasks professionally and in accordance with the plans and specifications. Their responsibilities included: notifying WFLHD’s Project Engineer of any significant schedule changes or deficiencies in work, and recommending corrective action to the Owner; reviewing contractor submittals, substitution requests, and requests for information; maintaining detailed project documentation recording the contactor’s daily activity, including labor and equipment usage, material placement locations, on-site testing, and potential problem areas; preparing deficiency notifications and rejected work memorandums; and conducting on-site meetings with the contractor and project stakeholders to review project plans, specifications, and progress to ensure construction was completed satisfactorily.